Web developer who is tenacious about finding solutions to problems. I am a triple threat programmer, educator, and musician who views each of my passions as an opportunity for innovation. I am looking for exciting opportunities in front-end and full-stack web development.
Some technologies and subjects that interest me the most are Javascript, React, Node, Web Audio API, and CSS. When I'm not coding I enjoy playing piano, guitar, hiking, and reading.
I also give occasional tech talks!

My Portfolio
US COVID 19 Tracker
This project gave me a chance to get some hands on experience with React hooks, while helping channel my anxieties about the pandemic into something more useful. I also got to play around more with Material-UI and data visualization. All data is provided by The COVID Tracking Project through an API. This project was built in a little under a week during my free time. Occasionally I'll make a few updates here and there.
Technologies Used: React, Material-UI, Recharts, clsx, moment, CSS, HTML, Git
Features: Tracks and displays various statistics such as number of positive cases and number of deaths relating to the Covid 19 infection in the United States. Data is displayed in tabular and graphical forms for the entire United States as well as individual states and territories. State data can be sorted by individual fields in the table display.
Make a Mix
Make A Mix is a web application I developed as a freelance developer for The Youth Popular Culture Institution. My task was to build a simple audio mixer that would appeal and be accessible to kids. This was a really fun project for me to build that combined almost all of my professional interests; web development, music technology, and education.
Technologies Used: React, ToneJS, CSS, HTML, and Git for version control.
Features: Individual tracks that can be played/paused and automatically synced to an overall tempo, volume control on track level, percussive sound effects that can be added overtop of tracks, extra Classic beats that override mixer.

Synth Builder
This application lets you build your own synthesizer. Change the pitch, volume, wave form, and add effects. Then add on as many additional synths as you would like!
Technologies Used: React, ToneJS, Web Audio API, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Git
Features: Add multiple oscillators, control pitch through text or slider, amplitude slider, wave form control, partials control, chorus, lfo, and distortion effects
Find My Recipe
Find My Recipe recommends recipe ideas based off ingredients the user types in. Start by adding a main ingredient and then filter the results further by entering in subsequent ingredients. Users can also add in new recipes or edit existing ones.
Technologies Used: Ruby on Rails, AngularJS, MongoDB, Edamam API for food data, Heroku, Git, Javascript, HTML, CSS
Features: Search for recipes, add and remove ingredient filters, show page for each individual recipe, edit or remove existing recipes and create your own.
Redux RPG
This is my attempt at making a role playing/battle type of game using React and Redux. I have always been interested in video games from a young age and building this site is a way for me to learn more about React/Redux while doing something fun.
Technologies Used: React, Redux, CSS, HTML, and Git for version control.
Features: Choose a character to play as and battle enemies as you level up your player.
Simon Piano
This site takes the game Simon and applies it to a piano keyboard. The idea behind this project was inspired by an ear training game I would use with my piano students when I was a music instructor. The students would play back a melody after first hearing me play it.
Technologies Used: Javascript, CSS, HTML, and Git for version control.
Features: Simon playability, key-binding to the computer keyboard, toggle lights on keys, toggle black keys on or off, reference 'Low C' button, free play mode, and even a few songs.
Star Wars Wikipedia
This is a website for Star Wars information in a wikipedia style format. You can see info and images about characters, species, vehicles, planets, and alliances. You can also edit, and delete any of these models, or create your own!
Technologies Used: Ruby on Rails, Active Record, PostgreSQL, SWAPI API for Star Wars data, Flickr API for images, CSS, HTML, Git, Heroku
Features: Index and show pages for characters, species, vehicles, planets, and alliances. Ability to edit, create, and delete any of these models.